I Introduce Myself

I close the eyes and think at beautiful moments passed in the places that I have had the pleasure to visit.

The memory of the words exchanged with people that I will not meet more, feel smell of a cake eaten for case in a place for case and…not forget more the sapore..

Conserve of every place the colors, the scents, the culture.

I'm Italia of the south, I have 35 years and two beautiful twin children . Open this blog is for me like opening the doors of my house, propose my recipes and receive the yours, make known to you our traditions and know those yours, to make along travel through the wealth of the foods that my earth offers every day and portami to house something of yours. I am Italian, and I decided to write a blog in English to learn (I ask excuse for the errors!!) and because I would want to share all this with who as me through the kitchen it succeeds to dream…

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


Foto tratta da lafattoria.it

The first time I ate the gnocco  fritto was in Milan five years ago.
 With my husband and some my dear friends, an evening all together, we had dinner  the tavern of "Gnocco Fritto".
 A really nice place, where they serve cold meats and cheeses accompanied by jams and honey, and also  these fried dumplings.
The origins are Emilia, this year I was able to retrieve the recipe that I hope you like it.


0,88 oz. (25g) yeast
1 teaspoon of sugar
1 teaspoon of salt
17, 6 oz. (500gr) flour
5/8 cup (70gr) lard, or butter, softened
Oil for frying
Approximately 6,76 fl. oz (200ml)  warm water

In a bowl, dissolve yeast in warm water and two tablespoons of sugar. Cover for 10 minutes. (the yeast will increase in volume)
Meanwhile put the remaining ingredients in a 'another bowl and pour into the yeast dissolved, begin to pour water little by little, until you get a smooth and homogeneous.
Shape into a ball, sprinkle with a handful of flour and cover with a cloth, making it stand for 4 hours.
Roll out the dough with a rolling pin into a thin sheet and cut out many squares about 2,75 in.(7cm) high
Fry in hot oil a few at a time and serve them hot.
Council: the amount of water depends on the flour, add little at a time, while the dough is worked, gradually must detach from the hands.

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