I Introduce Myself

I close the eyes and think at beautiful moments passed in the places that I have had the pleasure to visit.

The memory of the words exchanged with people that I will not meet more, feel smell of a cake eaten for case in a place for case and…not forget more the sapore..

Conserve of every place the colors, the scents, the culture.

I'm Italia of the south, I have 35 years and two beautiful twin children . Open this blog is for me like opening the doors of my house, propose my recipes and receive the yours, make known to you our traditions and know those yours, to make along travel through the wealth of the foods that my earth offers every day and portami to house something of yours. I am Italian, and I decided to write a blog in English to learn (I ask excuse for the errors!!) and because I would want to share all this with who as me through the kitchen it succeeds to dream…

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


Foto tratta da gentemergente.it

The chocolate salami is one of the favorite desserts of my sister.
The first recipe I tried to make, is of a my old classmate , then over time it tried others recipes, sweet salami with limoncello, with almonds and dried figs .The choice is yours!

3, 52 oz. butter (100gr)
3, 52 oz. sugar (100gr)
5, 29 oz. dry biscuits (150gr)
2/3 cup. sweet cocoa (75gr)
2 egg yolks
4 tablespoons of liquor lemon

Melt the butter in a frying pan, add coarsely crumbled biscuits, sugar and cocoa.
Mix all ingredients thoroughly.
Shape the mixture with your hands by giving it the shape of a sausage, enclose it in a sheet of aluminum foil and let harden in the fridge for 3 / 4 hours.
Serve sliced ​​into slices not too thin.
Remove from heat and immediately add the egg yolks and the liqueur.
The alternative would be to use unsweetened cocoa powder (instead of cocoa sweet) and rum (instead of lemon liqueur)
Or, add 5/8 cup /50gr) of almonds to the mixture, 1,76 oz (50 gr) of dried figs, 3,52 oz (100gr) of melted chocolate instead of cocoa, about 2 tablespoons of rum.
The procedure is the same: pour in the mixture, figs and almonds, coarsely chopped, rum and mix with the melted chocolate in a bain marie.

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