I Introduce Myself

I close the eyes and think at beautiful moments passed in the places that I have had the pleasure to visit.

The memory of the words exchanged with people that I will not meet more, feel smell of a cake eaten for case in a place for case and…not forget more the sapore..

Conserve of every place the colors, the scents, the culture.

I'm Italia of the south, I have 35 years and two beautiful twin children . Open this blog is for me like opening the doors of my house, propose my recipes and receive the yours, make known to you our traditions and know those yours, to make along travel through the wealth of the foods that my earth offers every day and portami to house something of yours. I am Italian, and I decided to write a blog in English to learn (I ask excuse for the errors!!) and because I would want to share all this with who as me through the kitchen it succeeds to dream…

Thursday, October 27, 2011


The profiteroles covered with coffee cream I prefer to the more classic that involves the use of chocolate.
On feast days, when my family got together for lunch it always ordered by a small bar of a neighboring country.
I never ate so good profiteroles.
After several attempts I managed to make a close enough that had the appreciation of all.


7 / 8 cup (190gr) butter
2 2 / 3 (300gr) flour
7 eggs
16, 9 fl. oz (500ml) water
a pinch of salt.
16, 9 fl. oz (500ml) whipping cream

Coffee cream:

2 egg yolks
1 / 2 cup (60gr) flour
1 / 2 cup (100gr) sugar
50, 7 fl. oz (250ml) coffee
16, 9 fl. oz (500ml) milk

Pour into a saucepan the water  with butter and a pinch of salt.
As the water begins to boil, remove the pan from the heat and throw in the sifted flour, stir quickly so as to avoid lumps.
Return the pan to the fire and, over low heat, continue stirring until the dough comes off the walls.
Let cool.
In a food processor put the dough and add the eggs one at a time and slowly to allow you to be completely absorbed.
Put the mixture into a piping bag and on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper, forming the mounds of dough well apart and the same size.
Bake at 356 F° (180°) degrees for about 15 minutes. (when you will be well inflated)

The cream: In a saucepan heat the milk with sugar.
In a bowl mix the eggs with the flour and add milk gradually, being careful not to make lumps (if not, strain through a tea strainer).
Put on the stove over low heat and stir until the cream thickens.
Remove from heat, pour the coffee and let it cool. Pour in the cream.
If the cream is too thick add a little cold milk.
Fill the pastry bag with whipping cream, sweetened and previously mounted.. (the dose of sugar is optional, it depends if you want more or less sweet)
Drill a hole in the base of each puff with something sharp so that the nozzle can penetrate the pastry bag and fill
Immerse in the cream  bignè and arrange them on a plate will form a basis on which to create a pyramid
Garnish with tufts of whipped cream the profiteroles.
Store in refrigerator.

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