I Introduce Myself

I close the eyes and think at beautiful moments passed in the places that I have had the pleasure to visit.

The memory of the words exchanged with people that I will not meet more, feel smell of a cake eaten for case in a place for case and…not forget more the sapore..

Conserve of every place the colors, the scents, the culture.

I'm Italia of the south, I have 35 years and two beautiful twin children . Open this blog is for me like opening the doors of my house, propose my recipes and receive the yours, make known to you our traditions and know those yours, to make along travel through the wealth of the foods that my earth offers every day and portami to house something of yours. I am Italian, and I decided to write a blog in English to learn (I ask excuse for the errors!!) and because I would want to share all this with who as me through the kitchen it succeeds to dream…

Tuesday, April 24, 2012


May 9, as every year, Bari through the alleys of the old town and the beautiful waterfront is celebrating St. Nicholas.
Several days of feast, shows and liturgical celebrations to commemorate the arrival of the saint's relics to Bari.
There are pilgrims who come from all parts ready to discover the habits and tastes of the past, popular spirituality and values​​.
The most characteristic moment of the feast is consumed at dusk when the statue of the saint from the sea in the caravel reaches the mainland.
The city shines through the festive lights that adorn the main streets, the smell of "sgagliozze" fried food prepared by street vendors, boys who patiently await the hot focaccia from the bakery open for most of the night.
Obviously you can not miss the coffee and croissant at midnight, to Bari is a tradition for everyone.
The last day we proceed to the solemn removal of the Manna, which is the liquid that was found near the relics of the saint.
The ceremony ends with the expected fireworks and the statue of the saint, returns in the Basilica.

Sgagliozze Baresi (fried polenta)

8, 81 oz. (250g) polenta
Mixed seed oil

Boil a pot with salted water, slowly pour the polenta and cook, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon. Once ready pour it onto a work surface and spread it.
Allow to cool and cut into squares and fry in a pan with hot oil.
Freshly fried on both sides, drain and sprinkle with a generous handful of salt.

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